AwesomeDOT Podcast #1 – Exploring AI, Tools & Smart Contracts

May 04th, 2024
49 mins 38 secs


Welcome to the First episode of AwesomeDot Podcast.

In the first episode, we were joined by some amazing speakers from the ecosystem. The Podcast was joined by Nikolaos from the Polkadot Tooling Collective, Gautam from Blockdeep Labs, Yogesh from PolkadotGPT, Bruno from Rogue and Esubalew from MobilePolka.

They discussed their initiatives and platforms they are working upon. Nikolas started the conversation with his introduction, and then he informed about the vision behind Polkadot tooling collective, how did they get the idea, the fellowship members that are involved in the project, mission of the Polkadot Collective, the updates and current status of the Polkadot Collective and ends on futuristic approach of the project. 

The second speaker Gautam Dhameja started with his introduction and about Blockdeep Laps, he also told us about his experience in Parity Technology. The mission and goal of the Blockdeep Laps is being discussed by the speaker. Based in Berlin, their project has reach to provide services to many remote jobs. 

Our Third speaker Yogesh who has been a part of Polkadot for a while now. By managing his day job he figured out a way to automated things on Polkadot by integrated external API’s using GPT. He created a a custom ChatGPT allowing everyone to go through with the recent polkaGPT posts, get addresses, get balances and images based on Polkadot ecosystem. The vision is to create an automated platform where people would be able to manage balance transfer across different blockchains without actually needing to follow manual steps. 

Next speaker Bruno starts by telling about his project the Pop Network. Pop Network is a platform build on Rogue Network with the help of Six Parity Engineers. This team is working on a next level technology to be implementing on Polkadot Relay Chain that would allow deploying logic to the Polkadot using the PoP CLI which is a tool to allow creating smart contract on Polkadot. 

Our last speaker of AwesomeDot Podcast#1 is Esubalew Amenu who started his speech by telling us about their project named as MobilePolka. It’s basically a Polkadot Explorer Mobile Application for analysing Polkadot blockchain. Their vision is to create a user-friendly interface for the users to interact with Polkadot Blockchain.


Nikolaos K. – Polkadot Tooling Collective
Gautam Dhameja – BlockDeep
Yogesh Kumar – PolkadotGPT
Bruno Galvao – Pop CLI
Esubalew Amenu – MobilePolka


00:00 – Disclaimer

00:34 – Host started the call by introducing everyone

01:36 – Nicholas K. Introduces himself as a part of Tooling Collective and its functioning.

13:23 – Gautam Dhameja tells us about the Blockdeep Labs and its vision / mission.

19:16 – Yogesh kumar shared his idea about creating PolkadotGPT.

24:31 –Bruno Galvao speaks about Pop Platform build on the Rogue Network.

35:40 –Esubalew Amenu tells about his project MobilePolka which is a Polkadot Block Explorer designed for Mobile Devices.

46:19 – The Host, thanked everyone for their time and sharing the ideas behind their projects on AwesomeDot Podcast.