AwesomeDOT Podcast #5 – Building a Better Polkadot Client: The DeDot Story

Jul 22nd, 2024
53 mins 15 secs


In this episode, we sit down with Thang X. Vu, the developer behind DeDot, a new JavaScript client for Substrate-based blockchains. Thang shares his journey into the Polkadot ecosystem and discusses the blockchain landscape in Vietnam. He explains the motivations behind creating DeDot and the challenges it aims to address in the current development environment.

Thang dives deep into the technical improvements DeDot offers over existing solutions. He elaborates on its better type systems, reduced memory consumption, and improved tree shaking capabilities. These enhancements promise to significantly improve the developer experience and efficiency in building on Polkadot.

Looking to the future, Thang outlines his vision for DeDot’s development. He discusses plans for React integration, support for other parachains, and strategies to enhance the overall developer experience in the Polkadot ecosystem. This conversation offers valuable insights for blockchain developers and enthusiasts interested in the evolving tools and technologies within the Polkadot network.

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Dedot Development Proposal:

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