AwesomeDOT Podcast #6 – Connecting the DOTs for XCM: Paraspell’s Polkadot Journey

Aug 09th, 2024
51 mins 19 secs


In this episode of the AwesomeDOT podcast, Yogesh interviews Dušan Morháč (aka Dudo50), the founder of ParaSpell. Dušan shares his journey as a student to an influential blockchain developer and researcher. He discusses the Polkadot ecosystem, Slovakia’s crypto ecosystem, explains the complexities of XCM (Cross-Consensus Messaging), and dives into the various components of ParaSpell.

The conversation covers the challenges of working with XCM, the current state of ParaSpell’s adoption, and future plans for cross-chain NFT transfers. Dušan’s insights provide valuable information for both newcomers and experienced developers in the Polkadot ecosystem.

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ParaSpell –

ParaSpell Docs –

ParaSpell Playground –

XCM Analyser –


Introduction and Background (0:35)
Dušan’s journey into crypto and blockchain

Discovering Polkadot (11:25)
How Dušan got involved with Polkadot
The Polkadot ecosystem in Slovakia

Understanding XCM (Cross-Consensus Messaging) (21:00)
Explanation of XCM and its protocols
Challenges in working with XCM

ParaSpell Overview (23:28)
Introduction to ParaSpell and its components
XCM SDK, XCM API, and XCM Router

ParaSpell Tools Deep Dive (30:28)
XCM Analyzer and XCM Visualizer
Documentation and XCM Playground

Adoption and Usage Statistics (34:00)
Current users of ParaSpell
Usage metrics and developer support

Developer Experience and Data Handling (34:55)
Improving developer onboarding
Handling XCM data and indexing

Future Plans and Roadmap (45:39)
Upcoming features for ParaSpell
Cross-chain NFT transfers

Contributing to ParaSpell (48:15)
How developers can get involved

Closing Thoughts (49:36)

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