AwesomeDOT Podcast #7 – Building Kagome: Polkadot’s Journey Towards Client Diversity with Kamil

Aug 29th, 2024
01 hour 09 mins


In this episode of the AwesomeDOT Podcast, we are joined by Kamil Salakhiev from the Quadrivium team, a veteran in the Polkadot ecosystem with over 8 years of experience.

Kamil dives into his work on Kagome, a Polkadot host implementation in C++, and the challenges of building a client that prioritizes diversity and security in the Polkadot network.

We discuss the technical hurdles, the importance of client diversity, and what the future holds for Polkadot with advancements like async backing and SASFRAS.

Whether you’re into blockchain development or curious about the inner workings of Polkadot, this episode is packed with insights.

Tune in to learn more about Kagome and the journey towards a more robust and secure Polkadot network.

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Have a great day! See you in the next one!


Kagome –

Quadrivium –

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